This is Part 3 of a series on Dependency Injection

In our last post, we had largely solved the problem of choosing which sender to use. However, the challenge was that this meant changing the DI code whenever we needed to change the provider, commenting out the ones we didn’t want and leaving the one we do.

In this post, I am defining swappable as the ability to make a change to the application configuration without changing the source code but rather changing a configuration.

Changing the source code whenever we need to switch providers is not a robust solution to this problem.

We can do one better here: we can introduce a new setting in appsettings.json, where we specify the provider we want to use as an application setting and have the application read that at startup.

First, we must define a class that stores our general settings.

public class GeneralSettings
    public AlertSender AlertSender { get; set; }

AlertSender is an enum we will use to indicate which sender to use. It is defined thus:

public enum AlertSender

Next, we update our settings to add our new values.

  "Logging": {
    "LogLevel": {
      "Default": "Information",
      "Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning"
  "AllowedHosts": "*",
  "GmailSettings": {
    "GmailUserName": "username",
    "GmailPassword": "password",
    "GmailPort": 4000
  "Office365Settings": {
    "Key": "Office365Key"
  "ZohoSettings": {
    "OrganizationID": "MyOrg",
    "SecretKey": "Secret"
  "GeneralSettings": {
    "AlertSender": 2

Next, we will register this new class for DI in the Program.cs


We will then use manual binding / direct binding to read the provider from the settings before the application starts and then use that value to conditionally configure the dependency injection.

// Create an instance of the class to hold the settings
var generalSettings = new GeneralSettings();
// Bind the new class to the settings defined in the appsettings.json
// Conditionally configure the DI depending on specified sender
switch (generalSettings.AlertSender)
    case AlertSender.Gmail:
        // Register our generic Gmail sender, passing our settings
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAlertSender>(provider =>
            // Fetch the settings from the DI Container
            var settings = provider.GetService<IOptions<GmailSettings>>()!.Value;
            return new GmailAlertSender(settings.GmailPort, settings.GmailUserName,
    case AlertSender.Office365:
        // Register our generic office365 sender, passing our settings
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAlertSender>(provider =>
            // Fetch the settings from the DI Container
            var settings = provider.GetService<IOptions<Office365Settings>>()!.Value;
            return new Office365AlertSender(settings.Key);
    case AlertSender.Zoho:
        // Register our generic Zoho sender, passing our settings
        builder.Services.AddSingleton<IAlertSender>(provider =>
            // Fetch the settings from the DI Container
            var settings = provider.GetService<IOptions<ZohoSettings>>()!.Value;
            return new ZohoAlertSender(settings.OrganizationID, settings.SecretKey);

When the application starts, only one provider is configured for injection. Thus, when the endpoint receives a request, the correct implementation is injected to process it.

This is an improvement over the previous post. When we need to change the provider, we simply update the setting in appsettings.json and restart the application.

In our next post, we will look at how to have the application automatically change provider without restarting the application.

The code is in my GitHub. The source code builds from first principles as outlined in this series of posts with different versions of the API demonstrating the improvements.

Happy hacking!