Choosing From A Collection In F#
Suppose you were writing a program to simulate the throwing of two dice. The minimum result you can have is 2 1 + 1
and the maximum result you can have is 12 6 + 6
The following code is how you’d typically do this:
// We need this for the Random type
open System
// Generate a list of the results
let diceResults = [2..12]
// Write a function to return a random entry
let tossDice list =
let index = Random.Shared.Next(0, List.length list)
// Execute and store the result
let result = tossDice diceResults
// Print the result
printfn "Dice result: %i" result
In F#, this can be simplified even further with the addition of randomChoice to Lists
, as well as Sequences
and Arrays
as part of the FSharp.Core package.
The code can be simplified as follows:
// Generate a list of the results
let diceResults = [2..12]
// Execute and store the result
let result = List.randomChoice diceResults
// Print the result
printfn "Dice result: %i" result
Happy hacking!