Assume you have the following class:

public class Person
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get;}
    public string Name { get; }

Assume you also have the following class, that inherits from Person:

public class Student : Person
    public string DegreeProgram { get; }

There is an excellent library, Dapper, that you can use for mapping between C# objects and the database.

First, let us let Dapper create for us a dynamic object, and dump that using Linqpad.

To get a dynamic object when using the Query method, do not specify a type.

var cn = new SqlConnection("data source=;trusted_connection=true;database=test;encrypt=false");
var result = cn.Query("Select '12 nov 2000' DateOfBirth, 'James Bond' Name, 'Finance' DegreeProgram");

This will display the following:

Next, we want to map the query to a strongly typed object.

Let us start with the Person class.

var cn = new SqlConnection("data source=;trusted_connection=true;database=test;encrypt=false");
var result = cn.Query<Person>("Select '12 nov 2000' DateOfBirth, 'James Bond' Name, 'Finance' DegreeProgram");

This will output the following:

The problem arises when you try to map to a Student type.

var cn = new SqlConnection("data source=;trusted_connection=true;database=test;encrypt=false");
var result = cn.Query<Student>("Select '12 nov 2000' DateOfBirth, 'James Bond' Name, 'Finance' DegreeProgram");

This outputs the following:

Notice that the DateOfBirth and Name are the default values of their respective types - DateTime.MinValue for a DateTime and null for a string.

If we modify the Person class and make the properties read/write:

public class Person
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

If we re-run the query we get this:

Now the data is being pulled correctly.

The problem here is that Dapper seems to be unable to set the properties of the parent after it has successfully done so for the child if the parent is immutable.


When mapping objects with an inheritance chain in Dapper, beware if they are immutable.

The code is in my Github.

Happy hacking!