This is Part 7 of a series on dependency injection.

In our last post, we looked at how we can leverage dependency injection to ease implementation testing.

In this post we look at how dependency injection can be a powerful aid to integration testing.

As a brief recap, we have three types of AlertSender

  • GmailAlertSender
  • Office365AlertSender
  • ZohoAlertSender

We also have some business logic:

  • If the time is before noon, send alerts using a GmailAlertSender
  • If later, use the Office356AlertSender
  • Whichever the case, send a copy using a ZohoAlertSender

We now need a way to test this end-to-end, covering both scenarios.

This means we need to be able to execute and verify the following:

  1. Startup of the application
  2. Inject the correct components
  3. Run the logic
  4. Verify that the expected components produced the expected results.

As always, there are plenty of schools of thought about how to achieve these results, and, as ever, my position is pragmatism - do what you feel works for you.

Personally, I would tackle it this way:

  1. Find a way to generate a known value for the expected components. This will address #4
  2. From #4, we can infer #2
  3. If we can verify #2 and #4, our system is working as expected

Here is a simple way to implement #4

  1. A FakeGmailAlertSender always returns the Guid FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF
  2. A FakeOffice365AlertSender always returns the Guid EEEEEEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEE
  3. A FakeZohoAlertSender always returns the Guid DDDDDDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDDDDDDDDDD

These Guid values are extremely unlikely to be naturally generated.

The rationale, thus, is if we see any of these Guid values, we can infer the AlertSender used to generate them.

The first thing to do, as we had done in the previous post, is create the relevant contracts as interfaces and change the AlertSenders to implement these.

public interface IOffice365AlertSender : IAlertSender;

public interface IZohoAlertSender : IAlertSender;

Next, we update the existing AlertSender implementations to implement these interfaces. First, the Office365AlertSender:

public sealed class Office365AlertSender : IOffice365AlertSender
    private readonly string _key;
    public string Configuration { get; }

    public Office365AlertSender(string key)
        _key = key;
        Configuration = $"Configuration - Key: {_key}";

    public async Task<string> SendAlert(Office365Alert message)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    // New method that sends a generic GeneralAlert
    public async Task<string> SendAlert(GeneralAlert message)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

Then the ZohoAlertSender:

public sealed class ZohoAlertSender : IZohoAlertSender
    private readonly string _organizationID;
    private readonly string _secretKey;
    public string Configuration { get; }

    public ZohoAlertSender(string organizationID, string secretKey)
        _organizationID = organizationID;
        _secretKey = secretKey;
        Configuration = $"Configuration - Organization ID: {_organizationID}, secretKey: {_secretKey}";

    public async Task<string> SendAlert(GeneralAlert message)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
        return Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

Next, we create fakes of these implementations, starting with the FakeOffice365AlertSender

public sealed class FakeOffice365AlertSender : IOffice365AlertSender
    private readonly string _key;
    public string Configuration { get; }

    public FakeOffice365AlertSender(string key)
        _key = key;
        Configuration = $"Configuration - Key: {_key}";

    public Task<string> SendAlert(GeneralAlert message)
        Log.Information("FAKE Office 365 sending alert - {Title} : {Body}", message.Title, message.Message);
        return Task.FromResult(Guid.Parse("EEEEEEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEE-EEEEEEEEEEEE").ToString());

Then the FakeZohoAlertSender:

public sealed class FakeZohoAlertSender : IZohoAlertSender
    private readonly string _organizationID;
    private readonly string _secretKey;
    public string Configuration { get; }

    public FakeZohoAlertSender(string organizationID, string secretKey)
        _organizationID = organizationID;
        _secretKey = secretKey;
        Configuration = $"Configuration - Organization ID: {_organizationID}, secretKey: {_secretKey}";

    public Task<string> SendAlert(GeneralAlert message)
        Log.Information("FAKE Zoho sending alert - {Title} : {Body}", message.Title, message.Message);
        return Task.FromResult(Guid.Parse("FFFFFFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF").ToString());

Next, we update the dependency injection to specify the specific contracts instead of the generic IAlertSender.

// Keyed services registration
// Register GmailAlertSender as a keyed singleton
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<IGmailAlertSender, GmailAlertSender>(AlertSender.Gmail, (provider, _) =>
    var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<GmailSettings>>().Value;
    return new FakeGmailAlertSender(settings.GmailPort, settings.GmailUserName, settings.GmailPassword);

// Register Office365AlertSender as a keyed singleton
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<IOffice365AlertSender, Office365AlertSender>(AlertSender.Office365, (provider, _) =>
    var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<Office365Settings>>().Value;
    return new Office365AlertSender(settings.Key);

// Register ZohoAlertSender as a keyed singleton
builder.Services.AddKeyedSingleton<IZohoAlertSender, ZohoAlertSender>(AlertSender.Zoho, (provider, _) =>
    var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<ZohoSettings>>().Value;
    return new ZohoAlertSender(settings.OrganizationID, settings.SecretKey);

Note here we are specifying the specific interfaces and returning the actual implementations.

How, then, do we test using the fake implementations?

Again, here, we can leverage the fact that ASP.NET heavily uses dependency injection internally.

The first thing to do is to create a test project, and change to that directory.

dotnet new xunit -o MailerTests
cd MailerTests

To this test project, we add references to our API project and our core logic

dotnet add reference ../API/API.csproj
dotnet add reference ../Mailer/Mailer.csproj

We then add a reference to FluentAssertions to make writing our tests and assertions easier.

dotnet add package FluentAssertions

We also need a reference to the ASP.NET testing engine

dotnet add package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Testing

Our next challenge is this: there is some code that depends on the time of the day.

if (TimeOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now) < new TimeOnly(12, 0, 0, 0))
    // It is before midday. Use the gmail Sender, and also send a copy using Zoho.
    // Create task for this work and then in parallel with Zoho
    var gmailTask = gmailAlertSender.SendAlert(genericAlert);
    var morningResults = await Task.WhenAll(gmailTask, zohoTask);
    return Results.Ok(morningResults);

This is very difficult to test because we have to run the code before and after midday to see if it behaves correctly, depending on the system clock.

There is a solution to this - dependency injection! We can inject a TimeProvider. For production use, we use the system clock (Which would result in DateTime.Now). And for testing, we use a FakeTimeProvider. You can read about these abstractions here.

First, we register the TimeProvider with the DI.

// Register the system time provider

Then, we update our endpoint to pick the time from the provider.

app.MapPost("/v13/SendEmergencyAlert", async ([FromBody] Alert alert,
    IServiceProvider provider, [FromServices] TimeProvider timeProvider, [FromServices] ILogger<Program> logger) =>
    // Retrieve the senders from DI
    var zohoAlertSender = provider.GetKeyedService<IZohoAlertSender>(AlertSender.Zoho)!;
    var office365AlertSender = provider.GetKeyedService<IOffice365AlertSender>(AlertSender.Office365)!;
    var gmailAlertSender = provider.GetKeyedService<IGmailAlertSender>(AlertSender.Gmail)!;

    // Create the alert
    var genericAlert = new GeneralAlert(alert.Title, alert.Message);
    // Create the Zoho task that always runs
    var zohoTask = zohoAlertSender.SendAlert(genericAlert);
    if (TimeOnly.FromDateTime(timeProvider.GetLocalNow().DateTime) < new TimeOnly(12, 0, 0, 0))
        // It is before midday. Use the gmail Sender, and also send a copy using Zoho.
        // Create task for this work and then in parallel with Zoho
        var gmailTask = gmailAlertSender.SendAlert(genericAlert);
        var morningResults = await Task.WhenAll(gmailTask, zohoTask);
        return Results.Ok(morningResults);

    // It is after midday. Use the gmail Sender, and also send a copy using Zoho.
    // Create task for this work and then in parallel with Zoho
    var office365Task = office365AlertSender.SendAlert(genericAlert);
    var afternoonResults = await Task.WhenAll(office365Task, zohoTask);
    return Results.Ok(afternoonResults);

The magic is happening here:


Now that the API is updated, we return to the tests.

What we do next is this:

  1. Write code to spin up the API
  2. Override the existing DI and configure services of our choice
  3. Create requests and send them to the API, re-configuring the DI where necessary
  4. Examine the response

To spin up the API, we write a class that subclasses WebApplicationFactory. This class allows us to

  1. Set up the environment we want to use (usually Test or Staging). But you can use whatever you want
  2. Load whatever configurations we need.
  3. Override ConfigureWebHost, which allows us to access (and change, where necessary) the existing configuration of services.
public class MailerApplicationFactory<T> : WebApplicationFactory<T>, IAsyncLifetime where T : class
    public Task InitializeAsync()
        return Task.CompletedTask;

    public new async Task DisposeAsync()
        await base.DisposeAsync();

    protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
        builder.UseEnvironment("Test"); // Use the desired environment
        builder.ConfigureAppConfiguration((context, config) =>
            var env = context.HostingEnvironment;
            // Use the settings file for testing, appsettings.Test.json
            config.AddJsonFile($"appsettings.{env.EnvironmentName}.json", optional: false, reloadOnChange: true);

        // No changes to the services here, as it will use the same as the main application
        builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
            // Remove the current actual implementations and replace with fakes

            // Register Fake GmailAlertSender as a keyed singleton
            services.AddKeyedSingleton<IGmailAlertSender>(AlertSender.Gmail, (provider, _) =>
                var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<GmailSettings>>().Value;
                return new FakeGmailAlertSender(settings.GmailPort, settings.GmailUserName, settings.GmailPassword);
            // Register Fake Office365AlertSender as a keyed singleton
            services.AddKeyedSingleton<IOffice365AlertSender>(AlertSender.Office365, (provider, _) =>
                var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<Office365Settings>>().Value;
                return new FakeOffice365AlertSender(settings.Key);
            // Register Fake ZohoAlertSender as a keyed singleton
            services.AddKeyedSingleton<IZohoAlertSender>(AlertSender.Zoho, (provider, _) =>
                var settings = provider.GetRequiredService<IOptions<ZohoSettings>>().Value;
                return new FakeZohoAlertSender(settings.OrganizationID, settings.SecretKey);

Next, we create an appsettings.json to store the settings specific to our tests. We will name this appSettings.Test.json so that we can dynamically build the name, as Test here is going to be the environment.

Simply copy the contents of the existing appsettings.json to appSettings.Test.json and then modify the settings you want for the tests.

The next thing is to create a test class, into which we inject the WebApplicationFactory that we have just subclassed.

public class TimedAlertSenderTests : IClassFixture<MailerApplicationFactory<Program>>
    private readonly MailerApplicationFactory<Program> _factory;
    private readonly HttpClient _client;

    public TimedAlertSender(MailerApplicationFactory<Program> factory)
        _factory = factory;
        _client = factory.CreateClient();

We are now ready to write our first test.

public async Task Alert_Is_Sent_Successfully()
    var request = new GeneralAlert("Title", "Message");
    var response = await _client.PostAsJsonAsync("/v13/SendEmergencyAlert", request);

This test simply verifies that a request is responded to with HTTP 200 (OK)


Our next test requires a bit more work.

We want to test whether a request sent in the morning (before 12:00) is sent using the GmailAlertSender.

The problem here is, for purposes of the test, to tell the application that it is morning, regardless of the actual time.

This is solved using dependency injection.

We reconfigure our DI in the test to create a FakeTimeProvider, use that to configure the time we want, remove the existing System TimeProvider and replace it with our fake. At the same time, we want to keep the changes that were in our custom WebApplicationFactory DI configuration.

public async Task Morning_Alert_Is_Sent_Successfully()
    // Create a fake time provider
    var fake = new FakeTimeProvider();
    // Set the time to 11 AM. The date doesn't matter
    fake.SetUtcNow(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2025, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0)));

    // Use the currently configured DI configuration as a starting point
    var client = _factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
        builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
            // Remove the system time provider
            var descriptor = services.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ServiceType == typeof(TimeProvider));
            if (descriptor != null)

            // Add our fake time provider to the DI container

    var request = new GeneralAlert("Title", "Message");
    var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/v13/SendEmergencyAlert", request);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    // One of the returned values should be the Guid FFFF for Gmail
    // One of the returned values should be the Guid DDDD for Zoho 

We can then send our request and examine the response.

We expect two Guid values in the response, that for a GmailAlertSender and that for a ZohoAlertSender.


Given that this test is passing, we can confidently assume

  1. The GmailAlertSender was invoked
  2. The ZohoAlertSender was invoked
  3. If both were invoked, that means the DI located and injected them correctly

Hypothetically, it is possible that the endpoint could be returning all Guid values from 0000-FFFF. We should, therefore, verify that only two Guid values are being returned.

Successful invocation, remember, should look like this:


We can add the following additional assertion to check this.

// Check that only two values were returned

Our test for whether the code behaves correctly in the afternoon will be similar - inject a FakeTimeProvider, set the time and then run the tests.

public async Task Afternoon_Alert_Is_Sent_Successfully()
    // Create a fake time provider
    var fake = new FakeTimeProvider();
    // Set the time to 12 AM. The date doesn't matter
    fake.SetUtcNow(new DateTimeOffset(new DateTime(2025, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)));

    var client = _factory.WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
        builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
            // Remove the system time provider
            var descriptor = services.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ServiceType == typeof(TimeProvider));
            if (descriptor != null)

            // Add our fake time provider to the DI container

    var request = new GeneralAlert("Title", "Message");
    var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("/v13/SendEmergencyAlert", request);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
    // One of the returned values should be the Guid EEEE for office 
    // One of the returned values should be the Guid DDDD for Zoho 
    // Check that only two values were returned

If we run this test, we can see that it is passing.


To recap:

  1. We have written our API to use actual implementations of the required services (AlertSender)
  2. We have injected a TimeProvider to make date and time-based logic easier to test.
  3. We have created a Test Project to run integration tests, and added the relevant nuget packages to it
  4. We have overridden the WebApplicationFactory to customize our DI - we want to remove all concrete implementations and replace them with our fake ones.
  5. We have written three tests, two of which require customization of the TimeProvider - morning and after noon prior to injection.

Thus, we can see that dependency injection is a very powerful tool for writing our application and allowing us flexibility around testing.

In our next post we will look at types of dependency injection.

The code is in my GitHub. The source code builds from first principles as outlined in this series of posts with different versions of the API demonstrating the improvements.

Happy hacking!