This is Part 9 of a series on dependency injection.

In our last post, we looked at types of dependency injection, considerations, pros and cons.

In this post, we shall look at dependency injection life cycles.

What, you may ask, is a life cycle? This essentially dictates the conditions under which a new instance of a requested service will be created.

There are three lifetimes:

  1. Singleton
  2. Transient
  3. Scoped


A service with a singleton life cycle is created once upon the first request. Every subsequent request for this service will be satisfied with that created instance.

This means the same instance of the service will be returned for the lifetime of the application.

Let us use a simple example of a class that generates a random number and stores it as a property.

public class SingletonNumberGenerator
    public int Number { get; }

    public SingletonNumberGenerator()
        // Generate a number between 0 and 1000
        Number = Random.Shared.Next(0, 1_000);

We configure our DI to register this as a singleton using the AddSingleton method.

// Register a singleton service

We then write a simple API that injects two instances of our SingletonNumberGenerator

app.MapPost("/v15/Singleton",([FromServices] SingletonNumberGenerator first, SingletonNumberGenerator second) =>
    return Results.Ok(new[] { first.Number, second.Number });

If we run this, we get the following result:


Of course, you will get a different result because the numbers generated are random.

Notice here that both returned numbers are identical, and will remain thus as long as the application is running.


A service with a transient life cycle is created every time it is requested.

Take this sample class:

public class TransientNumberGenerator
    public int Number { get; }

    public TransientNumberGenerator()
        // Generate a number between 0 and 1000
        Number = Random.Shared.Next(0, 1_000);

This class is then registered as transient using the AddTransient method.

// Register a transient service

Then, we build a simple API that injects two instances of the class.

app.MapPost("/v15/Transient", ([FromServices] TransientNumberGenerator first, [FromServices] TransientNumberGenerator second) =>
    return Results.Ok(new[] { first.Number, second.Number });

If we run this, you should get a similar result:


Note that we have injected two instances, and each is giving us a different result.


A service with a scoped life cycle is a bit more complicated, but the essence is that it is created once per request.

This is typically needed when several services within your application need to use a common service, such as a database.

Let us create a simple generator that we will inject as transient.

public class TransientNumberGenerator
    public int Number { get; }

    public TransientNumberGenerator()
        // Generate a number between 0 and 1000
        Number = Random.Shared.Next(0, 1_000);

Let us then create a second class that happens to require a ScopedNumberGenerator, which we inject. This new class simply returns a generated number from the ScopedNumberGenerator

public class ScopedComplexService
    private readonly ScopedNumberGenerator _numberGenerator;
    public int Number => _numberGenerator.Number;

    public ScopedComplexService(ScopedNumberGenerator numberGenerator)
        _numberGenerator = numberGenerator;

We then register both services for DI using the AddScoped method

// Register our scoped services

Finally, we write an API that injects both a ScopedNumberGenerator and a ScopedComplexService

app.MapPost("/v15/Scoped", ([FromServices] ScopedNumberGenerator generator, ScopedComplexService complexService) =>
	return Results.Ok(new[] { generator.Number, complexService.Number });

If we run this, we get something similar to this:


Notice here that the generated numbers are identical because the same instance of the ScopedNumberGenerator was used by the API as well as the ScopedComplexService.

There are also methods that allow keyed scoped, singleton and transient services - AddKeyedScoped, AddKeyedSingleton and AddKeyedTransient.

In our final post, we will recap what we have learnt over this series.

The code is in my GitHub. The source code builds from first principles as outlined in this series of posts with different versions of the API demonstrating the improvements.

Happy hacking!